Billboard Tax for Art Going to Vote Nov 30 / Dec 1st
Go to http://www.BeautifulCity.ca to support!Do you feel like there are too many billboards and not enough art in our city? So do we. This is our chance to change it. Help pass a new tax on billboard advertisers to fund enforcement and arts initiatives across the city.
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Toronto! Take Action Today:
1 – Call and write your councillor. Let them know that the revenue should not be hijacked or pushed down to nothing. Click here for info and key asks: http://tinyurl.com/yj9cn5f
2 – Show your support at City Hall on Nov 30th / Dec 1st RSVP here: http://tinyurl.com/y9x4xyt
3 – Spread the word.
Go to http://www.beautifulcity.ca to find your councilor, scripts, updates, links and facts.
Join the facebook event group for the day of the vote: